Auditions - The Drowsy Chaperone
Springboro Community Theatre invites you to auditions for THE DROWSY CHAPERONE, with music & lyrics by Lisa Lambert and Greg Morrison, book by Bob Martin and Don McKellar, directed by Aaron Joseph Brewer, Music and Vocal Direction by Judy Mansky, and choreography by Kara Castle.
Auditions will be March 7 & 8, 2022, with callbacks on March 9, 2022. All auditions/callbacks will take place at 7pm at the Springboro Performing Arts Center, 115 Wright Station Way, Springboro, OH 45066. You do not need to attend both nights of intial auditions, unless specifically asked by a member of the production staff. Out of an abundance of caution concerning COVID-19, we are requiring that our cast and crew members are vaccinated to accept a role in the show.
Performance Dates: April 29-30 & May 6-7 at 8pm, and May 1 & 8 at 2pm.
Please prepare 32 bars (approx. one minute) of a song in a similar style, but not actually from The Drowsy Chaperone. An accompanist will be provided. You will also be asked to learn a short dance combination, so please come prepared.
Man In Chair (Male, 40-69): narrates the show as he plays the Broadway recording of "The Drowsy Chaperone", a music theater aficionado and recluse who mourns the end of the Golden Era, he is truly happiest listening to his collection of Broadway show records, strong acting skills required to develop what is the only-non-stock character in the show, seen on stage throughout, whilst generally shy in demeanor, musicals bring out his true ebullient self, mannerisms and tics should be funny and charming whilst grounded in reality, minimal singing in bari-tenor range.
The Drowsy Chaperone (Female, 30-59): Janet's alcoholic confidante, carefree, often because she is drunk, an experienced "woman of the world" who couldn't care less what the world thinks, a melodramatic diva to be reckoned with who gleefully chews the scenery and steals just about every scene she is in. Great comedic role, think Liza Minnelli meets Tallulah Bankhead, vocal range: alto with a strong belt (F3-D5).
Janet van de Graaff (Female, 25-35): star of Feldzieg's Follies who is conflicted about giving up her life on the stage to marry Robert Martin, attractive, vivacious, outgoing personality, she loves being the center of attention and is the consummate 1920s starlet, strong movement and special skills (acrobatics, juggling, etc.) a plus, vocal range: alto with big belt (G3-E5).
Robert Martin (Male, 20-40): the groom-to-be who is deeply in love with Janet, he is the token 1920s leading man - debonair, dashing, and a matinee idol, he is cheesy, cheerful, and optimistic, must be able to tap dance and roller skate, vocal range: tenor (C3 - Ab4).
George (Male, 20-49): Robert's anxious best man, loyal, sincere, and nervous, makes looking out for Robert's interests his top priority so that the wedding will come off without a hitch, must be able to tap, vocal range: tenor (F3-Bb4).
Aldolpho (Male, 30-49): Latin lothario, a womanizing cad who is very impressed with himself, he is confident, vigorous, and a buffoon, vaudeville-style acting and fake Spanish/Italian accent required, should have great comic timing, vocal range: bass/baritone + great falsetto (A#2-G4).
Mrs. Tottendale (Female, 45-80): a wealthy widow and host of the wedding, she is flighty, eccentric, often times forgetful, and funny, she is absolutely charming, bubbly and oblivious to the confusion her behavior generates in other people, vocal range: alto character voice (G3-Db5).
Underling (Male, 30-69): Mrs. Tottendale's unflappable butler and manservant, he is stoic, dry-humored and sarcastic, a cross between Arthur Treacher and Niles the butler from The Nanny, vocal range: tenor character voice (Ab2-G4)
Feldzieg (Male, 40-59): harried producer who will do anything to stop the wedding in order to keep Janet in the Follies, he is nervous, sarcastic, impatient, overbearing, and insensitive, vocal range: baritone (Db3-Db4).
Kitty (Female, 20-39): 1920's dumb blonde chorine, she is Mr. Feldzieg's companion and will do anything to be a leading lady, a cross between Norma Cassady from "Victor Victoria" and Lena Lamont from "Singin' in the Rain", vocal range: soprano comedic belt (Bb3-F5)
Trix (Female, 25-50): the brave and brash female aviator, she is sassy, sleek and a take-charge kind of gal, preferably an actress of color, doubles in the ensemble, vocal range: alto (Ab3-Eb5).
Gangster 1 & 2 (Male, 20-39): two jovial gangsters who are posing as pastry chefs, typical 1920's Broadway gangsters full of word play and stylized movements, good comedic timing and movement skills required, men of a shorter stature encouraged to audition, vocal range: tenor (Db3-Gb4).
Ensemble (Male/Female, 20-40): strong, dancing/singing ensemble, vocal range: soprano, alto, tenor, bass, and dancers with strong tap skills. 4-8 roles.