Auditions - Marvel Spotlight (Youth Theater)
Mirror of Most Value: A Ms. Marvel Play &
Hammered: A Thor and Loki Play
Monday, November 14th and Tuesday, November 15th 7pm -9pm
Callbacks Wednesday November 16th
Performances January 6th-8th and 13th-15th (Friday and Saturday at 7pm, Sunday at 2pm)
Roles are open to youth performers between the ages of 12 and 18.
What to expect at auditions:
Please prepare a 1 minute monologue that showcases your ability to memorize dialogue and portray emotion. We will also be reading from the script.
Prepare to provide a list of all conflicts between now and the production dates in January 2023. It is expected that youth in the performance will attend all dates during tech week and all six production dates. We will not cast anyone in a lead role that will not be available for all six performances.
Practices are usually between 6:00 PM- 8:30 PM Monday through Thursday
Saturday Set Building
Participation fee is $50 and will include a t-shirt, and pizza party.
Mirror of Most Value: A Ms. Marvel Play
By Masi Asari
When a strange Terrigen Mist descending upon Jersey City, Kamala Kahn was imbued with polymorphic powers. Her life changes forever and so were the lives of her family and friends. Using her newfound abilities to fight evil and protect Jersey City, she will become the all new Ms. Marvel
Kamala attempts to boost Ms. Marvel’s fledgling super hero profile by writing her own fan fiction. But when building a fandom becomes an obsession, Kamala’s schoolwork and relationships begin to suffer. To become the Jersey City hero of her dreams, Kamala must learn to accept herself just as she is – imperfections and all.
8f, 4m, 10 any gender
KAMALA KHAN – a.k.a. Ms. Marvel. Female identifying.
NAKIA BAHADIR – Kamala’s best friend. Female identifying.
BRUNO CARRELLI – Kamala’s other best friend and sometime crush. Male identifying.
GABE HILLMAN – Bruno’s friend, the smooth guy. Male identifying.
ZOE ZIMMER – Kamala’s kinda snotty classmate. Female identifying.
JOSH RICHARDSON – Zoe’s boyfriend, the jock. Male identifying.
LEE – Josh’s friend. Male identifying.
ALEX – Josh’s friend. Any gender.
MICHAELA “MIKE” GUTIERREZ – Bruno’s girlfriend, the new girl. Female identifying.
FANGIRL – Female identifying.
AMMI – Kamala’s mother. Female identifying.
MS. NORRIS – Physics teacher. Female identifying.
FAN FIC MS. MARVEL I, II, & III – Played in three different scenes by three different actors. Any gender.
BADDIES – REESE & FLYNN. Any gender.
DELI WORKER – Any gender.
CAT BURGLAR – Any gender.
REPORTER (1-2) – Any gender.
THIEF – Any gender.
CAPTAIN MARVEL – Female identifying.
IRON MAN – Doubled by the actor playing JOSH. Male identifying.
BLACK WIDOW – Doubled by the actor playing ZOE. Female identifying.
DOCTOR STRANGE – Doubled by the actor playing LEE. Male identifying.
Casting notes from the Author for Mirror of Most Value:
Kamala's heritage is an important part of her identity as a super hero, and so I strongly recommend that the roles of Kamala and Ammi be played by female-identifying actors of color. I also recognize that this casting requirement might be challenging for some communities. I really struggled with the best way to approach this, but in the end decided it's most important to ensure as many theater artists as possible have access to this story. Whether Mirror of Most Value draws you in for the chance to showcase proud South Asian American identity (yes, people of color can be super heroes too!), or the chance to learn something new about a culture different from your own, I hope this play gives you the opportunity to find and celebrate your own powers in the theater.
Every effort should be made so that KAMALA and AMMI, who are Pakistani
American in this play and in the comics, are played by performers of color. For AMMI in particular, it’s important that she not become a caricature. If the actor and director are not familiar with a South Asian accent, the role should be performed without any attempt at an “authentic” accent; the important thing is for the mother/daughter relationship to come through clearly in performance.
Hammered: A Thor and Loki Play
By Christian Borle
Thor is the Norse God of Thunder, Master of the Storm, Lord of the Living Lightning, and heir to the throne of eternal Asgard. The other born of a Frost Giant, but now the Norse God of Mischief. Yet they are brothers, and together they are… Y=The Mighty Thor and Loki.
As Thor struggles with the stress of final exams, his brother Loki finds himself under a different sort of pressure. Neither are beneath pranks in the endless competition for their parents’ favor. But underneath all the thunder and mischief, these two Princes of Asgard discover a bond that will last millennia.
6f, 9m, 5 any gender
COMIC BOOK GEEK – High-school underclassman. May double as LOKI. Male identifying.
JOCK – High-school upperclassman. May double as THOR. Male identifying.
YEARBOOK EDITOR – High-school upperclassman, scholarly, focused on the future. May double as SIF. Female identifying.
THOR ODINSON – God of Thunder, nearing the end of his millennia-long life. May double as ODIN. Male identifying.
ATLI – Thor's youngest granddaughter, a hellcat. May double as CUL. Female identifying.
ELLISIV – Thor's middle granddaughter, a nurturer. May double as HEIMDALL. Female identifying.
FRIGG – Thor's eldest granddaughter, the pragmatist. May double as HOENIR. Female identifying.
THOR – Teenage God of Thunder, son of Odin and Freyja. Male identifying.
LOKI – Teenage God of Mischief, Thor’s younger adopted brother. Male identifying.
FREYJA – Queen of Asgard, Master of Courtly Etiquette, mother of Thor and Loki. Female identifying.
ODIN – King of Asgard, father of Thor and Loki. Male identifying.
FANDRAL – Thor’s dashing cad of a pal. May double as FORSETI. Male identifying.
VOLSTAGG – Thor’s friend, his appetite as big as his heart. Male identifying.
SIF – Thor’s headstrong best friend. Female identifying.
HOGUN – The book-smart puppy of Thor’s gang of friends. Male identifying.
THE HERALD – Royal announcer (would that Gilda Radner or Don Knotts were still alive…). Any gender.
HEIMDALL – Seer of All, Master of History. Any gender.
HOENIR – Master of Runeology. Any gender.
FORSETI – Master of Mathematics. Any gender.
CUL – Master of Combat. Any gender.
Casting notes for Hammered: Thor and Loki Play
Some roles in this play require some physical abilities and the ability to learn stage combat with stage weapons.